Well, it’s not that the server doesn’t matter - it does - it’s just that some things have happened in the computer audio space that tend to make it all a little less important. So, before I go any further, let’s take a second and talk about why the computer might matter. Look - the whys and wherefores may be mysterious but as I’ve argued elsewhere, my lack of understanding doesn’t entail any particular ontological status. Some folks, perhaps those that consider themselves more “objectivist” among the propeller-head crowd, may consider the very notion that a server would make an audible contribution at all as some sort of heresy. Namely, that it was the best thing since sliced bread. Way back in the day, I remember a lot of fuss and bother about the audio superiority of the PowerMac G5 floated by the Computer Audiophile crew. Oh, right - since I retired my PowerMac G5, which means about 18 months or so. I’ve been using my trusty (dusty) MacBook Pro as a media server since I dunno when. Spitting Bits Power Mac G5 - Super Audio Server Extraordinaire!